Wednesday 22 August 2018

The Summer Triangle

The Asterism - 'The Summer Triangle'- Canon 600d DSLR with EOS 18-55mm lens at f=18mm - mounted on a Star Adventurer Equatorial mount.(stacked images) - credit Kurt Thrust

"An asterism is a word used to describe a pattern of stars visually recognisable from the Earth. An 'asterism' although similar to a 'constellation' differs in that a 'constellation' is an officially recognised area of the sky. asterisms come in all shapes and sizes from small to large. The 'Summer Triangle' is a very large asterism,  a triangular pattern of three 'alpha stars' taken from three separate constellations:  Deneb from Cygnus the Swan,Vega from Lyra the Lyre and Altair from Aquila the Eagle. In the 1950s the 'Summer Triangle' was popularised by the American author Hans Augusto Rey and the British astronomer, author and television presenter Sir Patrick Moore". - Archie Mendes - visiting theoretical astronomer at the Jodrell Plank Observatory - Reydon University - 'School of Computer Modelling and Difficult Sums' 

The Milky Way running through Cygnus and Messier 31-the Andromeda Galaxy - Canon 600d DSLR with EOS 18-55mm lens at f=18mm - mounted on a Star Adventurer Equatorial mount.(stacked images) - credit Kurt Thrust
"The above images were taken on the 13th August 2018 from beside Windermere in the Lake District. I was trying to photograph Perseid Meteors but although I managed to see  10 or more over three hours of observation, none were evident on the the many frames captured by my camera. The night skies in the Lake District were very dark but the weather and levels of condensation I experienced made me very happy to return to Lowestoft on the East Coast". - Kurt Thrust acting CEO and current Director of the Jodrell Plank Observatory.

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