Thursday 27 June 2019

The LVST goes live with Perseid Meteor Shower Data from 2016!

When a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere it acquires energy due to formation of a shock wave and creates a trail of ionised gas or plasma. The plasma reflects radar signals. 

"The LVST makes use of the 'back and forward scatter' of radio waves broadcast by the GRAVES radar transmitter which operates at 143.05 MHz and is located near Dijon in the South of France .  Please explore the data on the following pages which the Jodrell Plank Team hope to build upon over the coming years. Meteors have shaped our planet and created the opportunity for our mammal ancestors to exploit. Without the intervention of the Chicxulub Meteor, 66 million years ago, we would not have evolved and the dinosaurs would still be in charge"!  Jodrell Plank Community outreach coordinator – Karl Seguine 

"Are you sure they aren't still in charge" - Kurt Thrust -acting CEO and current Director of the Jodrell Plank Observatory

Having mashed up and crunched the numbers, right or wrong, interesting insights into the strengths and weaknesses of statistical analysis and  the 2016 Perseid meteor shower have been gained. 
If you are interested please click the link here:

2016 Perseid Shower Statistics

or click on the permanent link on the vertical navigation bar under the Total Page Views, which will take you to the LVST Home Page.