Sunday 18 February 2018

Messier 81 and Messier 82

Messiers 81 and 82 taken with the Meade 127mm. Refractor - Altair Astro 0.8x focal reducer and field flattener and Canon 600D DSLR. ISO800 - 6x5 mins lights with  flats, darks and bias. Taken from the  Jodrell Plank Observatory at 21:30 on 17-02-2018. - Image credit: Pip Stakkert.
"Messier 81 is also known as Bode's Galaxy (to the right in the above image), named after its discoverer Johann Elert Bode -1747-1826. It is the largest galaxy in the M81 Group of galaxies which is located in the constellation Ursa Major (close to the bear's nose). It is approximately 12 million light years from Earth but can be seen through good quality binoculars - as Andy Boon- a recent visitor to the Jodrell Plank Observatory - will attest. The  M81 Group is is a group of 34 galaxies and is a close neighbour of the Local Group which contains our galaxy the Milky-Way. Gravitational interactions between M81, M82 and NGC3077 have removed hydrogen gas from all three galaxies creating filamentary structures within the group. Gravitational affects and interstellar gas falling into M82 and NGC3077 have led to increased levels of star formation". Kurt Thrust acting CEO and current Director of the Jodrell Plank Observatory

Enlarged detail of the spiral galaxy Messier 81 - Image credit: Pip Stakkert

Enlarged detail of the spiral galaxy Messier 82 (aka The Cigar Galaxy) - seen edge on, structural disruption caused by M81 and other members of the galactic group is clearly evident. -  Image credit: Pip Stakkert
"Back in 2014 a Supernova was discovered in Messier 82 and although this was prior to the inauguration of the Jodrell Plank Observatory our sponsor and 'lucky-plucky' amateur astro-imager George Roberts did take a blurry photograph of the event - as was said at the time this was one hell of a bang" Archie Mendes - visiting astrophysicist.

" Nice to welcome 'Comet the Observatory Cat' back on the premises and all plans for 'the wall' between the Observatory and our good neighbour Mr. Shrodinger have now been abandoned - sadly Waffles Construction Ltd. have been voluntarily wound up" - Doris Jansen Chair of the Board of Trustees

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