Wednesday 27 September 2017

Fixing a plate where the rain gets in and stopping my mind from wandering

 "Our dexterous 'Observatory Instrumentation Engineer and Associate Astronomer' - Jolene 'strong hands' McSquint has been working day and night during the current extended period of exceptionally inclement weather to fabricate a new 'fixing plate' to enable additional telescopes and cameras to ride piggy back on top of the 127mm. Meade Apo Refracting Telescope. Lets hope the weather improves and then we can test this new piggy-back rig by taking some long exposure guided images of the Andromeda Galaxy which rides high in early autumn skies.

The LVST (Lowestoft Very Small-radio Telescope), turned on for the 2017 Perseid meteor shower, is still capturing radar reflections from meteor plasma trails and has been left on to record the Orionid meteor shower in October".
Kurt Thrust - current Director of the Jodrell Plank Observatory.

" We have got some unbelievably good people and some unbelievably good kit - it's all so unbelievably good you just wouldn't believe it". 

Ronald Clump CEO - Jodrell Plank Observatory.

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