Tuesday 1 October 2024

Andromeda and Perseus rising in Northern Hemisphere autumnal skies.


The M31 group of Galaxies in Andromeda : Canon 600D DSLR and Samyang 135mm F2 lens reduced with filter rings. Stack of 60x1min exp at ISO1600.

" The early morning hours of the 29-09-2024 were both clear and steady, so excellent conditions for astro-imaging. Now the M31 group of galaxies is a bit of a astro-imaging cliche but however many times the Astro-team at the Jodrell Plank Observatory photograph it, each year in autumn when the constellation Andromeda rides high, someone just has to point a camera in its direction. This year Kurt could not help using the Samyang 135mm lens to provide a wider field of view of  M31, M110 and M32. There are just so many stars in this part of the sky that we decided to use software to reduce the brightness and number of stars. We also captured some photons from 'in and around' Andromeda's mum (aka the constellation Cassiopeia) which await processing by Pip Stakkert - but more of that later." -Joel Cairo CEO of the Jodrell Plank Observatory.

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