Monday 2 September 2024

Summer Delights 2024


Rho Ophiuchi Star Clouds
from a hotel balcony in Sicily 2024

Altair, Tarazed and Barnards E
from the Jodrell Plank Observatory 2024

A Perseid Fireball piercing the Summer Triangle
from the Jodrell Plank Observatory 2024

When we could see it from the Jodrell Plank Observatory,
the Sun was super active.

The Moon was mysterious and beautiful from the Thames Estuary
and the Jodrell Plank Observatory

" It is a shame that this summer has been so wet and cloudy on the East Coast of the United Kingdom.  However, you just have to thrust your hands into your pockets and get on with it" - Karl Segin outreach officer at the Jodrell Plank Observatory.

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